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SalesWings Studio - Settings Page

Learn more about the SW Studio Settings page, designed to easily monitor the status of the app or adjust its behaviors.

Pauline from SalesWings avatar
Written by Pauline from SalesWings
Updated over a week ago


The SW Studio Settings page has been designed to offer a user-friendly experience when monitoring the status of the application or adjusting its options and behaviors. This page is available since SalesWings Studio versions 3.0+ and is organized in items accessible by means of the left menu.​

The page is organized in items accessible by means of the left menu:

Setup section


The API token needs to be copied and pasted under SW Studio Settings > Setup, and the Connect button must be pressed. Without completing this step it’s not possible to turn the sync on.

Connect screen (it is possible to click on the link in the description to see the steps required to obtain the token)


Once the connection is established turn the synchronization on.

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 16.22.47.png

Page status when connected and with synchronization activated

The user turning the sync on will be the user used for the data synchronization. At all times, it is important that such user remains active and be assigned the SW Studio Administrator permission set (the panel always provide visual feedback on whether the running user satisfies the requirements).

Full Synchronization

This option allows to perform the recalculation of all SalesWings data as it were the first synchronization ever. This option should turned on unless the following is true:

  • The data for some Account/Contact/Lead records don’t seem to be aligned with SalesWings data. This can happen if there were issues updating such records during synchronization due to failure of validation rules. Normally SalesWings will make multiple attempts at updating records but if the failure is systematic it will give up trying after a define number of attempt, after which the record will remain out-of-date respecting SalesWings data

  • Matching Preferences were updated

  • Score Mappings were updated

This option will be automatically disabled once the workflow sync in full-synchronization mode completes.


This section allows to delete eventual optional datasets SalesWings created when certain preferences are active. Follow the instructions on video to make use of the functionality.


This item allows the user to monitor the execution status of the last 25 syncs.

By selecting a job all the statistics concerning the execution will be showed. From here it is possible to examine whether all steps executed correctly or weren’t. Each step provides statistics as to how many records were examined, successfully modified, or failed to update (along with an error message).

Main Preferences

This item contains the general settings for the package.

Synchronization Section

This section controls how frequently the synchronization will take place.

Aggregation Section

This section controls whether aggregation at the Account/Opportunity level will take place.

Advanced Section

In the Advanced section the first setting, SW Activity Data, is disabled by default. As the description for the field says, in order to interact with the setting, it will be necessary to reach Customer Support asking for enablement of the feature.

The fields Match Account/Contact/Lead via Platform Events is necessary only when the org executes code that is incompatible with the Batch context. Only when such code is present, and only for the object the code runs for will it be necessary to enable it.

Triggers Section

This section controls whether triggers for various processes, for Person Account, Contact, Lead will run. Each process deployed with the package can be disabled individually. For more information on what each process is responsible for, read the description present in the section.

When the package is installed on Sandboxes, a new option will appear, disabled by default: Update to SalesWings on Sandbox. This option is disabled by default as it would send data back to SalesWings in when matched Person Account, Contact or Lead records were modified for monitored fields (see Attribute Synchronization). Normally only production should send data back to SalesWings, hence the disabled settings for Sandboxes.

Matching Preferences

This section allows to control by which fields prospects will be matched against Contact and Lead records. By default the match will occur on the Email field.

The section will be normally adjusted:

  • When using a custom email field or additional email field for Contact / Lead records

  • When wanting to synchronize based on an anonymous id

Matchings are not exclusive, multiple configuration are supported and applied according to the priority defined. However, priority determines what match will be applied first. When there’s a match any subsequent configuration will be ignored.

List of matching rules for Contact

IMPORTANT: After changing the matching preferences it is important to enqueue a full sync. This will allow every prospect matched according to the previous configuration to be matched again using the updated configuration.

Attribute Synchronization

This section allows to choose what core information will be sent back to SalesWings in order to update the corresponding prospect. When a monitored value for Contact or Lead record changes the update information will be sent to SalesWings. If a decision is made not to send back certain information, the configuration for the field can be either disabled or deleted.

IMPORTANT: if any of the core information get disabled or deleted, e.g. the SW Favorite mark, data between Salesforce and SaleWings will start to diverge. This could lead to some unwanted behaviors. For example, if SW Favorite is not active, a new full sync will wipe whatever changes were made in Salesforce regarding that field with what is currently present in SalesWings.

Score Mappings

This items provide the user with an easy-to-use interface to create score mappings for Account, Contact, Lead and Opportunity objects.

List View

Record View

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